The much-awaited Samsung Galaxy S-III smartphone, which went on sale in Europe yesterday, is expected to hit the Indian markets on Thursday. According to various reports, Samsung Galaxy S3 will reach the Indian shores on Thursday and will cost between Rs 34,000 to Rs 38,000.
Samsung Electronics latest Galaxy S smartphone, with the third generation model expected to be even more successful than its predecessor, helped the South Korean company topple Apple Inc as the world's top smartphone maker.
Samsung Galaxy S-III runs on the latest Android operating system the Ice Cream Sandwich and comes with a 4.8-inch screen, bigger than its highly successful predecessor Galaxy S-II. The phone packs a bunch of interesting features like 'Smart stay', in which the device recognises when you are looking at the phone and maintains a bright display for continued viewing pleasure. The Galaxy S III also introduces 'Pop up Play' feature which allows user to watch an HD video on the phone while sending an email or text simultaneously.
The phone's 8MP camera features a zero-lag shutter speed that lets user capture moving objects without delay. The 'Burst shot' function allows users to capture twenty continuous shots. HD video can be recorded even with the 1.9MP front facing camera. The Galaxy S III also comes with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. Additionally, Samsung Galaxy S III features 'Game Hub' and 'Video Hub', which provide users access to various social games and high quality TV and movies, respectively. These will initially be introduced in select countries and subsequently on the global market.
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