Introducing Anonymous OS version 0.1 revealed by a group of hackers,

By Ravi Kumar - Thursday, 15 March 2012 No Comments

This week its been quietly announced that members of the hacker group known as Anonymous are releasing their very own desktop operating system. This system is known at the moment as Anonymous-OS and is currently in as infant a stage as it possibly could be at version 0.1. That’s pre-pre-Alpha, for those of you counting, and we’re not even going to tell you to download it or do a search for it – keep your eyes off of it.

What this operating system represents is a full toolkit for those of you looking to join the dangerous and illicit world of hacking. Inside the operating system you can actually download today is a relatively vast list of applications that will allow you to crack, spoof, and rip your way into the mainframe just like your heroes from the 1990′s movie Hackers, just like you’ve always wanted to! Have a peek at the list here, and forever hold your keyboards in glee: 

Pre-installed apps on Anonymous-OS:
- ParolaPass Password Generator
- Find Host IP
- Anonymous HOIC
- Ddosim
- Pyloris
- Slowloris
- TorsHammer
- Sqlmap
- Havij
- Sql Poison
- Admin Finder
- John the Ripper
- Hash Identifier
- Tor
- XChat IRC
- Pidgin
- Vidalia
- Polipo
- JonDo
- i2p
- Wireshark
- Zenmap
…and more 

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