Revolutionary technological lifestyle of the 21st Century

By Ravi Kumar - Friday 12 July 2013 No Comments

Technology is knowledge of tools and crafts used to facilitate people in different life aspects to generate efficiency and optimize time or money and all kinds of resources. Technology, in many societies, has helped develop advanced economies .Technology basically refers to tools or machines that may be utilized to solve real world issues or satisfy needs for the advantage of life. The rise of communication technology is a modern example, which has reduced barriers to human interaction and has helped produce new subcultures; the cyber culture that has been formed with computer and internet as its base. It is not a must that all technology boosts culture in a creative way. Many technological processes produce unwanted by products, such as pollution reduces natural resources, and also damage the Earth or its environment. A good example of this is the use of machines, cars, etc, in such a way that it increases the contamination in environment, by producing a huge amount of CO2 that enhances the consequences of global warming.

The term information technology has also ballooned these days to encompass many aspects of computers and technology and this term is more familiar than ever before. Information technology umbrella can be quite huge covering many areas and fields. It performs a number of duties that start from installing applications to making complex computer networks providing information databases. IT professionals perform duties like data management, engineering and networking.
Having good careers in computer field and information technology continue to grow. Most of the college and university students as well as technical institute graduates seek careers in this industry. According to a U.S World Report, jobs in this field fall among the top 10 careers, with computer software engineers more in demand as the work of designing,  maintaining, building and integrating those highly complex systems is one the fastest-growing areas of the job market. Statisticians predict the technology field will expand tremendously with of the demand for state of the art technology items.

It is only through technology that we can telecommute and work from virtual offices to communicate with businesses and individuals across the world. Flexible work hours are available because so many responsibilities and duties are accomplished from an employee sitting at home.
Living with computers and information technology has become an integral aspect of our lives, and it is highly doubtful that we would return to conventional methods of conducting business. Efficiency is the primary benefit of technology. From small businesses to large conglomerates, all are capable of making and providing products and services at a faster speed and a more efficient rate which is resulting in giving them higher profits thus enhancing the scope of businesses.

To sum it up, technology is a great tool that helps the societies with the development of global economy, and bringing a lot of innovation as a result , providing medical support to cure diseases and making efficient and productive measures or human dealings. However, various implementations of technology pressurize the values of a society and new technology at times raises new moral questions. The problems of pollution and global warming have been taking a major conscience of people and persuading them to start having control in the use of technology and controlling its negative impact on our  environment.
If we conclude from the aspects stated above, what comes to mind is in one line of thought is that technology develops autonomously, or  in other words, it  seems to feed on itself and is  moving forward with a force appealing to mankind. Information gives knowledge and knowledge gives power. So knowledge with experience is wisdom, and it is the only the wise and appropriate use of information that can give advantage to those who have the information.

About Curtis Taylor
Curtis Taylor is aspiring to be the lead public technical advisor throughout the world for all things in personal electronics. He has a passion for gaming, his dog Ralph, and playing pranks on his co-workers. Curtis’s desire to uncover and understand the technical aspects of devices is shown through his projects. Curtis is head of research and development for RepairLabs. which is a device repair facility and an influential tech blog. RepairLabs is on a mission to change the world through its charitable program Operation Hero. Follow him @repair_Labs

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